Feedback on 60th BDay Celebration Week

Dear all

Please help yourselves and post your feedback on our 60th Birthday Celebration Week here.


5 thoughts on “Feedback on 60th BDay Celebration Week”

  1. A salute to you all for making the reunion functions a resounding success. Pls keep up the spirit as we’re counting on you guys for the next event.

    Best regards,

    [forwarded by ak, 20131119]

  2. Daniel,

    You’re the real hero. Lead us forward to the 70th birthday celebration……….

    James cheung

  3. Dear all,
    It was wonderful to see so many of you from so many different places again ! I really enjoyed every moment !
    Certainly THANKS need to be given to all those who have worked so diligently for this. 3 CHEERS … to them !
    But we also need to thank all of us too! Thank us for participating.
    Hope there will be more of us next time !
    Until then wish you all well and keep in touch !

    Cheers, Tiger Cheung from Singapore.

  4. Beautiful pictures showing classmates having fun
    From Hong Kong to Danxia Shan, and back to Shenzhen
    Happiness follows them to wherever they go
    As everyone has a smiling face to show
    Thanks to the Committee of our Class of ’71
    And many congrats for a job well done

    Simon Tam
    20131120 HKT

    [Forwarded by AK, 20131120]

  5. Thanks Daniel for the compliment, but the credits should go to all committee members, especially those who did all the donkey work in preparing the gala dinner and leading the China Trip tour. Without their passion and devotion in running our class activities, we could hardly make this celebration a great success at minimal cost. As what Chris has said, let’s keep up our momentum and let the ball continued rolling.

    [Not relevant part of the message was truncated]

    See you all next week.


    Patrick WH Chan

    [forwarded by AK 20131122]

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